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nguyen tan dung中文是什么意思

用"nguyen tan dung"造句"nguyen tan dung"怎么读"nguyen tan dung" in a sentence


  • 副总理阮晋勇
  • 政府阮总理晋勇


  • Vietnam ' s prime minister , nguyen tan dung , has pledged his country will make better use of aid from world bank economic and development projects
  • Prime minister khai , who is 72 , has nominated his deputy , nguyen tan dung , to succeed him . the 56 - year old dung has held a number of senior government positio
  • Prime minister khai , who is 72 , has nominated his deputy , nguyen tan dung , to succeed him . the 56 - year old dung has held a number of senior government positions
用"nguyen tan dung"造句  
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